
Meir Schneider's 2.5 day natural vision improvement workshop in Paris, October 25-27, 2024

 Natural Vision Improvement workshop

 by Meir Schneider, USA

Founder and director of the School of Self-Healing in San Francisco, USA

 You will learn:

- How to improve your vision from nearsightedness (myopia) and farsightedness (presbyopia) and how to overcome amblyopia and strabismus

- Ways to maintain good vision in spite of using computers and smartphones

- Preventing pathologies and overcoming them ( cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration (wet or dry), retinitis pigmentosa, retinal detachment and how to manage the vision after surgery)

The other topics :

a) Preventing vision problems with better circulation

b) Increasing brain plasticity

c) Overcoming back pain and managing back injuries

d) Preventing arthritis

e) Increasing your capacity to breath

f) Improving the function of your central nervous system

g) Strengthening the function of your peripheral nervous system

h) Balancing your autonomic nervous system and your hormonal system

i) Improving the function of the immune system with exercises

People should bring cases for their contact lenses and glasses, wear very comfortable clothes, be ready to move, have fun !


PlaceEnclos Rey, 57 rue violet, Paris 15, in a beautiful room of 100m2 on the ground floor.

Dates : Friday 25th October from 2 pm to 5 pm ; Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th October from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm.


You will find the prices and all informations on the flyer to dowload below.

To already reserve your place, and any other information, contact or 0033(0)672771785



You can register directcly on the Meir website by clicking on the following link:


and benefit from early bird price for the full workshop before September 25th !

For any other questions about paiement, contact Jeanne Harvey, Meir's assistant:

Meir in Paris October 2024
paris flyer octobre 2024 a4 v 2-3.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 272.9 KB



We are waiting for you in Paris with joy !


Meir and Béatrice

1920/2020: a film to honor 100 years of Dr. Bates' book

Event!  In the year 2020, my colleagues Nathan Oxenfield (USA) and Barry Auchetti (Australia) are releasing a documentary film with the working title of “Vision 2020: From Eyesight To Insight“.


Holistic Vision Care has been practiced for more than a century, but very few people know about it. Their goal is to change that!


Releasing a documentary about eyesight in the year 2020 is significant because natural vision education is about improving eyesight naturally rather than using of glasses, contact lenses, or undergoing surgery. 

Barry and Nathan are not alone. There is a global network of natural vision educators that they will introduce you to. Following their journey across North and South America, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and Europe, you will see how changing your vision can change your life.

You can lear more about their project and contribute to the cause on the following link :

February/2019 in London !



Saturday 23rd February 2019

at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion square 


Launch! of the Natural Eyesight Education Programme organised by my UK Bates Association for Vision Education (BAVE)


2-5 pm Information stalls and opportunities to meet Vision Education practitioners.

I'll be there with my colleagues to meet you and answer your questions about the Bates method !


3 pm Talk “Eyesight and health”  by Aileen Whiteford, my teacher from the College of Vision Education. She's brillant !


Waiting to meet you !


Registration at the following email address:


Sunday 24th February : annual meeting of the BAVE, for members only, but I will report the latest news !


Monday 25 Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 February, I stay 3 days in London and will be available for any information, contact me directly.


The power of vulnerability of blurred vision! by Anna Bambridge

Read this fascinating article by my colleague Anna Bambridge on the blog of the BAVE website about the power of vulnerability in the field of vision. She shows that recognizing one's own vulnerability (by removing its glasses and accepting the blur) is the beginning of the discovery of one's new possibilities ...

October and November/2018

Happy to announce my first press articles, one in french in "Femme actuelle" 22th October 2018,

See my news page in french

and the other in english in Top santé UK, 6th November 2018 :

All my thanks to Lizzy Dening, the author of the article.

You can also read it right away bellow !

Health, November 6, 2018


 Easy yoga moves to improve

your eye health!


Yoga isn’t just for stiff shoulders or sore joints – simple yogic exercises can revive tired eyes and even improve your vision


If you spend a lot of your time reading or staring at a computer or phone screen, you’ll be familiar with that feeling of tired, dry eyes. Perhaps your vision has become blurrier too, or it takes you longer than it once did to adjust your focus. Unless your optician has detected an issue with your sight, experiencing problems like this with vision could be linked to mental tension. So it helps to relax the eyes, mind and body with simple activities,’ says Béatrice Pauly-Laubry, who teaches yoga for eyes based around the Bates method (


‘You can have quite an immediate improvement, especially in eye fatigue, clarity, mobility of your eyes and widening your peripheral vision.’ Help for tired eyes Yogic exercises such as palming, which is holding your cupped hands over closed eyes, have been practised for thousands of years, with people claiming to feel refreshed and experience clearer vision as a result.


Now modern science backs this up, with people undergoing an eight-week regime of yogic eye exercises demonstrating significantly reduced eye fatigue, according to a Korean study.


Stop eye damage from computer screens


Working at a computer is particularly damaging for your eyes, because looking at a screen tends to reduce the frequency and how fully you blink. Not blinking properly can lead to dry, irritated eyes.


‘You blink around 40 times a minute naturally, and about 20 times when you’re at a screen,’ says Béatrice. ‘In general you ought to take screen breaks every 40 or so minutes, giving yourself time to breathe, blink and look far away into the distance.’


Classic yogic exercises will not only increase your blink rate while you do them, but can also increase your blinking rate in normal day-to-day life, according to an Indian study.


Improve your vision with exercise


Not only do yogic exercises provide instant relief to unfocused, dry or tired eyes, but practising them regularly could reduce the effects of common problems such as myopia (short sightedness). Using methods such as palming and swinging your head (see below) has been shown to reduce problems with distance vision and eye fatigue in half of test subjects with myopia. There was also relief in brow headaches and difficulty seeing small objects for half of those with astigmatic eyes (a curvature of the cornea) according to an Indian study.


Yoga exercises for eyes


‘There’s a quote I like that says you should treat your eyes like you’d treat your children – you need to let them play, move, smile and rest,’ says Béatrice. These will do just that – try them once a day, or whenever you need a break.

Swinging for eye health

Swinging helps widen your peripheral vision, especially after too much time looking at a screen.

Sitting comfortably and making sure to breathe steadily and deeply, start slowly turning your head from side to side. Keep your eyeballs still and gaze soft, the movement should come from your head. Repeat 20 times. Stop in the middle, and take time to blink and breathe.


Palming eye exercise

Palming gives eyes darkness and soothing warmth for deep relaxation of the surrounding muscles.

Cup your hands over your closed eyes, applying no pressure to the eyeballs and slightly crossing your fingers over your forehead. Breathe deeply, keeping your shoulders and neck relaxed. Spend as long as you’d like here – perhaps taking around 20 breaths. Slowly blink your eyes open, and gradually take away your hands. Notice the difference in how your eyes feel.

June July/2018

To celebrate the Summer, I propose new workshops and a retreat:

-June 23 : Yogame, (Boulogne-Billancourt, France) "Refreshment before summer"
workshop (see page in french cours et atelier+ pdf)

- July 1st : LONDON, "From Eyesight to Insight" workshop, Maître of Thyme, holistic wellness boutique, in central London (see special page Yoga for the Eyes  London + pdf)

-15-20 July: Tapovan Normandie 5 days retreat  "Rest, maintain, improve your vision" (see page Teaching,retreat)


1st April 2018,

 Some poetry seen yesterday....


Beautiful Easter Rebirth to everyone..


Breathe, Blink, Look...


When he wants to paint a flower, a japonese painter looks at it several hours each day day for months...

When he internalized it, he paints it at once !


15th March 2018, Discovery Workshop of Yoga for the Eyes at a Seniors Club, Town Hall of Boulogne-Billancourt.


The Workshop is full !

We practised gently Breathing, Neck and Shoulders movements to release tensions, and all the Bates activities: Blinking, Shifting, Swinging, Palming, Central and Peripheral Vision...


People were very happy to discover the power of their eyes ! Thank you so much for your great feedbacks !

Appointment is made with the Town-Hall for next year from September 2018, one workshop per month.   Thank you for your confidence !


Yoga for the eyes according to the bates method - beatrice pauly laubry


Annual Meeting of the Bates Association for Vision Education

in London, Felden lodge

the 24th and 25th of February





Yoga for the eyes according to the bates method - beatrice pauly laubry

It is with this image of Hawaii, with its warm and bright colors, a moment of pure beauty suspended in time, vibrating with the rocking waves and the dance of the clouds, that I wish you




Thank you to all those who started the path of visual fulfillment, thank you for your confidence, your joy,

and welcome to those whom curiosity would lead to Yoga for the Eyes:

I invite you to discover the Union with your eyes!


Long live the vision !


Beautiful year 2018 !



26ème Conférence Internationale de la Vision Holistique, à Edinburg, Ecosse - 2017
26ème Conférence Internationale de la Vision Holistique, à Edinburg, Ecosse - 2017


26th International Holistic

Vision Conference, Edinburg, Scotland.
from 27 to 29 October 2017


End of the trip but the heart full!


Scottish Gala Evening with Natural Vision teachers from around the world: United States, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Australia, and of course United Kingdom!



In the last row on the left, we see the top of my head. The advantage of being tall is you appear very small in the background of group photos!


Thank you all for this wonderful exchange of practices, experiences, cultures, serving the Bates method and improving natural vision!


I was very fortunate to attend two great workshops :


- that of Meir Schneider (standing right), author of "Vision for life", one of the greatest teachers of Natural Vision who has been teaching for 30 years in the San Francisco Bay area (go on his website,


- and that of Dror Schneider, sitting in front, who has adopted a unique and very creative method to progress smoothly by integrating neuro-development and learning efficiency!


And then I attended fascinating lectures of teachers dedicated to their practice, associating the mastery of the Bates method with another field of professional experience, like

  • sound, with the inventive Giorgio Ferrario (Italy),
  • the meanders of the Nervous System, with the fascinating Fernanda Leite (Brazil)
  • NLP, with the enthusiasm of Amelia and Enrique Jurado (Spain)
  • the Somatic Experience and its role in trauma, with the brillant Nina Hutchings (France),
  • massage balls, with the touching Claudia Muehlenweg (USA),
    the expanded vision, with deep Barry Auchetti (Australia).
  • I wish to express my deepest emotion to Daniela Matuchova (Slovakia) who told us of her extraordinary work to bring back to life a child with multiple disabilities.

What new tools and enriching practices in perspective !


Béatrice Pauly-Laubry et Meir Schneider
Béatrice Pauly-Laubry et Meir Schneider
Béatrice Pauly Laubry et Aileen Whiteford
Béatrice Pauly Laubry et Aileen Whiteford

Finally, my gratitude to the conference organizers and team for their excellent coordination work, Aileen and John Whiteford, Anna Bambridge, Julia Galvin, Jane Reed, Christina, Richard, (and sorry for those whom I 'Forget it ..): Delicious Gala Dinner and Funky Scottish Dances!



See you soon at the next International Conference: Frankfort 2019! You’re welcome to join us there !